
Vincent Verhoeven




Donald Mak


I've been been practicing, reading a lot about and treating the art as a way of (my) life since 1998. "Classical Ving Tsun" in Victor Kan Wah Chit's school for three years, two years in Wang Kiu's Modern Wing Chun school in Belgium and four years the Foshan Wing Chun forms of Peng Nan's school in China. Currently I am part of the Hong Kong Wing Chun family of Donald Mak Wing Chun Institute of the Chow Tze Chuen lineage. This is the ideal school for me because of the pure, honest and genuine approach based on pure passion as the source of quality, rather than commercialism. This kind of kungfu family profile makes me better understand my own competence and how to deal with it, because my Wing Chun brothers and Sifu concentrate on evolution rather than on competition. 
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